Digital Realism seeks to research big data in order to test how it can lead to what we might loosely term ‘data documentary’. How can we use big data and its techniques to articulate contemporary events, stories and structures, and what critical issues in regard representation would such an approach present?

As part of this project we will be developing some exploratory artworks derived from publicly available data sets in the form of visualisations, animations, large-scale static images and digital 3D models. This material will be made available via this blog with wherever possible, source code and curated data. We have a commitment to openness so we’ll also disclose production processes by providing design notes that map working methods.

Digital Realism is a collaboration between the Centre for Education Art and Media (CREAM) University of Westminster and the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council under the Digital Transformations research theme.

